The role of food security in a resistance economy with emphasis on the thoughts, opinions and statements of the Supreme Leader Mohammad Bidgoli
Subject Areas :
Mohammad Bidgoli
asghar Rajabi Deh Borzoei
1 - Department of Law, Varamin-Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Education, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Keywords: Resistance Economy, Imam Khamenei, Food Security, Qualitative Content Analysis, Knowledge ,
Abstract :
The role of food security in a resistance economy with emphasis on the thoughts, opinions and statements of the Supreme Leader Mohammad Bidgoli Asghar Rajabi Deh Borzoei Abstract The purpose of the current research is to analyze the role of food security in the resistance economy with emphasis on the thoughts, opinions and statements of the Supreme Leader. The current research is an e-applied development and documentary methods and qualitative content analysis have been used as necessary. Agriculture in the world has played a major role in ensuring food security throughout history and has led to the emergence and flourishing of great civilizations. In the current situation when the country is faced with sanctions from the enemy and the solution presented by the Supreme Leader is the theory of resistance economy which It should be investigated in all fields with minimum social, cultural, political damage and according to the existing conditions of the country. In Iran, paying attention to the category of food security has always been one of the main goals of macro policies. One of the measures of the Iranian Islamic Model of Progress document directly mentions the issue of providing food security, as well as its footprint from the constitution to the five-year development plan and Even approaches and policies of resistance economy have been seen. The current research answers this question, what is the role of food security in a resistance economy by emphasizing the thoughts of the Supreme Leader? The findings indicate that the influential principles of the role of food security in a resistance economy from the perspective of the Supreme Leader include self-sufficiency in the production of basic and strategic products, improvement of product quality, consumption management, increasing the level and efficiency of production in the country and the development of knowledge companies. The foundation is in the agricultural sector. Keywords: Resistance Economy, Imam Khamenei, Food Security, Qualitative Content Analysis, Knowledge Base.
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