Investigating the effect of environmental uncertainty on the performance of the Isfahan municipality by considering the moderating role of innovation and strategic orientation
Subject Areas :
Davood Gholamrezaei
zohre sadat mirsafian
monir habibi
1 -
2 - Graduate degree in Business Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Graduate degree in Business Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Keywords: environmental uncertainty, municipality functions, innovation, strategic orientation.,
Abstract :
Davood Gholamrezaei Zohre Sadat Mirsafian Monir Habibi Abstract The rapid growth of cities and gaining them from the municipalities and resources has made appropriate services for these organizations to a great challenge. As a result of developments, public organizations including municipalities are affected by internal and external factors, structural, cultural, economic, social and political. Therefore, unban managers as head of the city's leadership pyramid have the heavy task of creating harmory between the parts that govern the city. In study aimed to investigate the effect of environmental uncertainty on the performance of the Isfahan municipality in considering the mediating role of innovation and strategic orientation. This research is of descriptive-analytical nature in terms of type and nature, and in terms of purpose, it is a type of applied research. The information gathering method is survey type (using a questionnaire) and a hypothesis type. The model has been tested through data collection from the sample of 193 listed among the managers and directors of Isfahan municipality and using partial least squares method (PLS). Findings show the negative and significant negative effects of environmental uncertainty on municipality functions. The strategic orientation also reversed the relationship between environmental uncertainty and municipality functions, but the moderating role of innovation was not endorsed.
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